Hello @daynajohnson here!!! I wanted to share the impact Ta.bb.ed provided to my husband & me! They gifted us each a Bible in the weeks leading up to our wedding. It truly was the greatest gift we could have ever received! It brought tears to my eyes and filled our hearts with so much joy! Knowing someone thought that much into our future marriage by gifting us a Bible was life changing (there was even a family prayer attached inside)!! We will forever cherish our bibles from @ta.bb.ed !! I am so excited to now continue on Tabbed Ministries mission and give ta.bb.ed Bibles to anyone & everyone!!!

Dayna Johnson
I absolutely LOVE my tabbed Bible! Knowing the beautiful ladies that created this ministry and thought of me when gifting it to me makes it even more special. When my mom saw my tabbed bible she loved it so much and asked where I got it. She was having a particularly hard time after losing my Dad so I was so happy to be able to get one for her! It is a perfect gift! I love how beautiful it is and how the tabs help find any scripture you are looking for so simple! Seeing my daughter read and highlight her tabbed bible makes my heart so happy!

Tina B.
Ta.bb.ed is such an amazing group of women who truly spread Jesus’ love and word! We were so blessed to be gifted such a gorgeous Bible. We are inspired every day through the readings and teachings of our special Bible.

Jenny N.
I love this bible so much! The beautiful artwork and pretty wording, the cutest tabs, and knowing the hands who tabbed it...makes my quiet time special! I also have gifted these bibles to some friends who were having difficult times and it has meant so much to them! Love the mission of getting bibles in people’s hands and spreading Jesus’ word!!!

Lindsey S.
I love, love, love my new bible from tabbed ministries. Beautifully made and hand tabbed. I love the summaries and explanations in the chapters. There is space for writing, reading plans, devotions between the pages, maps, and timelines. It's stunning. Thank you 😊 tabbed ministries 💜👑

Katie R
Favorite Bible I have ever owned. I have started to read it every day because of you guys! Thank you so much!